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Alice & Grace Candle Co.

Norwich, Norfolk

Alice & Grace Candle Co offers vegan/sustainable/cruelty free candles, wax melts & home fragrance.

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Who we are

At Alice & Grace Candle Co, I make vegan/sustainable/cruelty free coconut wax candles, wax melts & home fragrance products. I make in small batches to avoid waste. I have two retail outlets so far & hope to be adding to this soon. I have three core collections; The Norfolk, Suffolk & Louisiana Collections. The scents & names are based on memories of places & people within each collection.

I release seasonal collections throughout the year, (autumn/christmas/spring etc). I also make bespoke Wedding Favours to compliment your celebration in any colour combination you require. I can also do party/corporate favours/gifts. Just get in touch with your requirements.

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Contact Alice & Grace Candle Co.

Located in Norwich, Norfolk