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Aether & Nox


Aether & Nox is a vibrant and unique home and lifestyle brand inspired by the ethereal and earthy.

Aether & Nox at market - Myself stud in front of our banner and stall set upAether & Nox at market - Myself stud in front of our banner and stall set upMyself with my market set upClose up of various coloured tea light holders and coastersShelf set up in 21 Co, with earrings and oval trays on displayStall set up side shot featuring oval dishes in various coloursClose up shot of various prints on display in 21 Co
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Who we are

Aether & Nox is a vibrant and unique home and lifestyle brand. Inspired by the ethereal and earthy, we craft unique jewellery, eye-catching homeware, and colourful art prints with an eco-conscious and slow-made vision.

Contact Aether & Nox

Located in Leeds