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A Passion for Learning


Handmade bespoke educational toys and gifts

A Passion for Learning - Toni MeakinA Passion for Learning - Toni MeakinA Passion for Learning - Toni Meakin
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Who we are

I am married with 3 grown up children 2 of whom are diagnosed autistic, dyslexic and struggle with sensory processing.

For a long time I have made the resources I have used in my work with children, using tactile items such as wood, stones, sand etc to create exciting and interesting activities.

I have longed to create these on a larger scale and help families to use more natural toys and resources to engage with their children whatever their age. Recently made the decision to do just that and started A Passion for Learning.

All of the items I create are unique as they are hand painted by myself, there are never 2 the same, even if they have the same theme.

When making my tic tac toe/naughts and crosses sets, I hand select all of the pebbles that I use, ensuring the correct shape, size and feel for each set. The sets can take up to 5 days to complete as after hand painting, they are sealed twice.

They all come in their own bag which is also the board to play on, making them very convenient to transport when out and about.

I hope that you enjoy using the items you have purchased, I love to hear how my customers use their purchases so please feel free to contact me. I also take personalised and custom orders.

There is no age limit on play especially when you are with ones you love.

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Located in Cheshire