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Product design in publications with We Are Makers

Traders- Hints & Tips

Don’t miss our IG Live chat with the founders of We Are Makers – with some tips on being published too!

Pedddle founder Nicki recently spoke to Kate and Jack, founders of We Are Makers, a publication which celebrates makers from across the world, glorifying creativity and sharing stories from around the globe. You can catch up with the IG Live below.

We Are Makers have created blogs, podcasts, a docuseries and publications which ship worldwide, and gave a really honest and insightful interview on how their business is going right now, with a bit of background history thrown in too!

IG Live with We Are Makers

Grab a cuppa and watch along, or pop it on in then background whilst you work and just listen instead, you’re sure to feel inspired!  

Top tips from the IG Live

  • It often costs more to NOT to something than to do something. Certain costs, like the ones you spend on PR and visibility, will help your business so much that they’re a worthy investment. It would cost your business more dearly to not invest in that visibility. Speculate to accumulate!
  • Just go for it! Starting a project is the hardest thing, but you can always refine your ideas or products at a later date. The same goes with your own website, blogs or email list. Done is better than perfect! You can always get these things started, and tidy them up at a later date.
  • Choose your hard. Everything is hard. The world is tough. There is no easy way to run a business. However, you have to decide what’s worth that ‘hardness’, and how fulfilling it ultimately will be for you. You get to choose what most fills your cup.
  • You don’t owe anybody your reasons. You don’t have to justify your own business decisions to anybody else. When you run your own business, the only person you need to impress is you! Success means something different to all of us.

Want to get your product design or business in more publications?

If you want to be involved with We Are Makers publications, you can submit an application via their website – click here for details.

There are many ways you can seek PR for your business, and use it to raise your visibility. Click here for some further tips on PR, or here are some visibility hacks you can use for free.

We Are Makers products

Click here to shop previous editions of their publication, and see what else they offer.