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Pedddle Sharing Ideas for Market Organisers

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Can you make money at craft fairs? Image of a beautiful dried flower and plant stall

We would love you to share a little more about Pedddle with your stallholders and even your customers – so we have shared some copy and images that you could use with a slightly different angle for each group.


For stallholders we like to share information about our community and the offering of being able to check in. As organisers this helps you out because once a stallholder has checked-in, your market page link shows up at the top of their stall page – increasing visibility for you!

Copy to use 👇

Pedddle is a directory of markets and their stallholders – as a market organiser we chose to list our markets on Pedddle. It brings together customers (our market visitors) and also the stallholders. If you’d like to be able to check in on Pedddle, one click apply for other events and join their community to access free resources and support from the Pedddle team – join here today!

Here is the link to hyperlink for stallholders to join:

It costs £12 a month but if you want to share and have your own discount to use – let me know at [email protected]

Just ‘right click’ on these images or screenshot if the quality is good enough or – if not, message me and I will send you them directly.


Have you heard of Pedddle? It’s a directory of markets and stallholders. We list our markets on there and you can look for many markets around the country on their easy to use website. Did you know you could join as a customer too. When you are out at markets you can scan QR codes on Pedddle boards to save the stallholder to your dashboard – a virtual business card! And you can save our markets to your favourites so you never miss a market again.

Here is the link to hyperlink for customers to join:

It’s totally free for customers to join.

Join Pedddle today - pic of coloured ceramic pots on a stall

There you go!! I hope this is useful as I know from time to time organisers ask us for this type of content to add into their content creation for various platforms.