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Pedddle’s 2021 Competition with the GBEA

Traders- Hints & Tips

Please note that this competition closed in October 2021.

We have a brand new Pedddle Competition with the GBEA to share with you! We’ve teamed up with the GBEA (Great British Entrepreneur Awards) and Freshbooks to bring you a fantastic new opportunity!  Scroll on down to see what it’s all about…

The Prize

You can win:

  • 2 years’ of FREE Premium Membership with Pedddle
  • Free registration with Tresstle 
  • Discounts on all online Tresstle events
  • Sell at 2 events each year on Tresstle, for FREE (both Tresstle and event organisers fees covered)
  • One hour business mentoring session with Nicki Capewell, founder of Pedddle & Tresstle
  • A free workshop on utilising your social media and effective branding for your business

Who can enter?

This competition is open to everyone who has a small, independent, creative business! Whether you’re in your early days or are more experienced – as long as you are passionate about your craft and eager to learn and grow, we are here for you! We will help inspire you and give you the confidence you need to grow your brand and sell more products, building a firm foundation so that you can achieve all that you wish for as an entrepreneur.

If you’re already a Pedddle or Tresstle member you can still receive the above benefits, or if you’re thinking about joining our community as a member then the benefits of doing so will be free!

How do I enter?

Simply create a short video (1 min-4mins max), telling the GBEA more about you and your business, your future growth plans and how you could use this prize.

What is the GBEA?

The GBEA – Great British Entrepreneur Awards – aim to shine a light on Great British entrepreneurs, and have created this competition. They are now home to the largest celebration of entrepreneurship in the UK, with a community and ecosystem of some 50,000 entrepreneurs and their supporters. Click here to find out more about them!

The GBEA are running a ‘Made in the UK’ award, to help businesses run greener and more sustainable practices. 2021 applications are now closed but the 2022 version will open soon. FIND OUT MORE.

What is Freshbooks?

Freshbooks is sponsoring this competition. Freshbooks are an accounting software company, helping you keep track of your business finances. With billing and payments (Direct Debit, credit cards etc) all in one place, everything is organised and easy to track. Things like professional invoices, online payments, and automated payment reminders in FreshBooks makes it easy for both you and your clients.

They are currently offering small business a FREE TRIAL for self-employed business owners – click here to find out more on that.