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Overcoming Christmas Overwhelm

Traders- Hints & Tips | Christmas Markets

Tips for dealing with stress in the run-up to Christmas…

A selection of handmade christmas gift tags in red, green and white for The Paper and Ribbon Co.

Blog written October 2020.

So many of us get overwhelmed at this time of year. It’s not just stallholders (although frantically making, selling, posting and the thousand jobs in between certainly creates an overwhelming feeling!). This year, more than any other, we’ve all been a little overwhelmed due to the uncertainty of the world and the social restrictions imposed upon us all. Overcoming Christmas Overwhelm is therefore a priority.

We’ve put together some handy resources to guide you through. Hang on in there! No matter how alone or restricted you feel right now, there is a whole community of creatives willing to support you and help you out.

Shop Small Love Indie

Shop Small Love Indie is a new online indie marketplace, running regular online markets every few weeks. They aim to support and advertise independent businesses across the UK. You can find more about them here.

As well as being huge champions of indie business and shopping small, they also have a blog which gives great pep talks. Check out their blog on overcoming overwhelm for creatives, which has some great tips for calming down and de-stressing and shows that you are not alone in feeling like this!

Pedddle’s Top Tips

Planning is key. With a busy festive period coming up, these things might help:

  • Lists. Yes, we too make lists of lists sometimes, but it’s good to get your ideas on paper and out of your head.
  • Do a brain dump. Write down everything that’s on your mind. It can even be in post in note form or typed if you want – just put it somewhere other than in your head!
  • Take 5 minutes. Sip some water to rehydrate and just have 5 minutes of blanking your mind and concentrating on breathing.

Useful blogs:

Pedddle have loads of resources you can have a read of, to help you organise your time, motivate you and give you that confidence boost. You can do this!

  1. Read our blog on Fresh Starts with Jo at Firain. Jo is a business coach and creative, and has some great tips on motivation, organisation, making a fresh start and avoiding overwhelm.
  2. Check out our blog on Market Selling & Social Media with Deb at Fabulous Places. Deb runs Fabulous Places, a series of highly successful markets, and has loads of tips for selling online, preparation and social media selling, which could help plan your workload for the next couple of months.
  3. Our blog on Making Money with Catherine from Future Retail has some great tips on pricing strategy and getting pricing confidence, so that you don’t sell yourself short this festive season.

Products to help you relax

Our stallholders have some lovely products to help you relax. Creating a relaxing ambience in your home or office is important, as is taking care of your body and mind.

Why not chill out with Help Me Organics? Combining natural ingredients and organic essential oils, they produce ethical products from organic scents to room sprays and candles.

Emotiv Aromatherapy create blended aromatherapy scents, gift boxes and 60 second mood boosting rituals, to give you a boost on the go.

Elytrum has some fab body brushes to stimulate blood flow and help you de-stress – ideal any time of day to make you feel refreshed and ready to go.

Therapy & Scent create fabulous aromatherapy wax melts to make your home smell gorgeous, which have essential oils that’ll help you relax.