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Our community is now hosted on Mighty!

Traders- Hints & Tips

Find out why our community is now hosted on the Mighty app, and exactly what that means for our stallholder members!

In a really exciting move for Pedddle – we can now be found on Mighty Networks. That’s right, our community is now hosted on Mighty!

Click here to watch our recent YouTube video about this.

How can Pedddle help stallholders?

If you’re an artisan, and want to sell at market, craft fairs and other events, or have sold at them before, Pedddle is an invaluable resource.

Pedddle emphasises supporting local artisans, crafters and small businesses, which helps sustain local economies and fosters a sense of community in creative businesses throughout the UK.

Not only do we offer a Market Timeline to help people find markets to visit or sell at, but our members can access one-click applications for them, so you can apply to sell with just one click of a button!

We help with promotion of your business too, via an SEO-optimised page listing on our website, specifically for your business, as well as marketing support in the form of social media promotion, email newsletter mentions and more.

Independent businesses are the backbone of the British economy, and we want to support them. We are passionate about the creative community, and being a team of creatives ourselves, we are perfectly placed to offer our support and expertise to others.

Pedddle offers a range of guides, resources, workshops and community help, and our community is now hosted on Mighty, via the Mighty app! Read on to find out more about how that works.

We are dedicated to helping artisans learn, grow and thrive.

Find out more about joining Pedddle and how we can help you by clicking the button below.

What is Mighty?

Our community is now hosted on Mighty, which is an app run by Mighty Networks.

This allows our stallholders to connect, learn and grow, just by simply downloading one app. Rather than having our resources, workshop calendars, chats and so on stored in different places and accessed via different platforms, Mighty offers us a centralised hub, so our Members just need to download one FREE app, and they have connection and learning right at their fingertips!

Read more about the features and benefits this gives us below…

Why our community is now hosted on Mighty

  • It boasts both local and community chat spaces. We previously had members-only Facebook and Instagram pages, plus a Dashboard once you logged into Pedddle as a member. Instead of these multiple platforms, we now have one centralised hub.
    Our chat spaces on Mighty allow you to connect with stallholders based all over the UK, and/or stallholders specifically in your local area. You have to option of one to multiple chat functions, so you can chat as much or as little as you like to fellow creatives.
  • Our resources are listed month by month. This means that you can easily find our Topics and Themes of the Month, as well as seasonal-related content and suchlike. There’s so much content you can watch and learn from!
  • There’s a calendar check-in for our monthly events. Don’t miss out on our monthly IG Live chats, our exclusive members-only IG Lives, Zoom meetings and training/info sessions, or our Meet and Make sessions! We offer so many things you can take part in, if you wish. It’s never compulsorily, but help, support and community is always available if you should need it, and Pedddle offers a range of monthly events for you to connect with us and your fellow Pedddle members.
  • Be notified about upcoming workshops and similar events easily.
  • Business-related discounts and offers. View all Pedddle member-exclusive discounts and offers in one easy place!
  • Get checklists, review sheets, and other downloadable resources right at your fingertips! A summary of all downloadables and resources can be found easily on Mighty.
  • Access top FAQs. Mighty also lets you ask fellow Pedddle members and the Pedddle Team any questions you’d like. If you’re curious about other Pedddle FAQs, click here to read our website’s FAQ section.

Want to know more about Mighty and how it will benefit you once you join Pedddle? Contact us.