Suffolk Market Events
Who we are
Founded in 2008 by Justine & Alex Paul, Suffolk Market Events now runs a number of top quality farmers’ markets, food festivals and contemporary craft markets across Suffolk. Justine also works on a consultancy basis for local authorities on market improvement initiatives. She is a Fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs and has judged on the Suffolk Food & Drink Awards. She was named as Suffolk’s Food & Drink Hero in 2015 and in 2019 she was awarded the highly prestigious Clarissa Dickson Wright Award. In recent times Justine’s husband Alex has joined Suffolk Market Events on a full time basis making it a true family business adding his invaluable strategic marketing knowledge and experience to the mix. Created at the ‘kitchen table’ thirteen years ago; today, together, Alex and Justine constantly grow, adapt and develop Suffolk Market Events earning the business numerous awards since 2012 and embracing the future of this rural, innovative, forward thinking organisation. In 2022, their first farmers market - Lavenham Farmers Market won `Best Farmers Market in the UK'