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Who we are

TEGretail, is a pioneering Social Enterprise, based in the Innovation Centre, Westlakes Science Park. Our vision is dedicated to revitalising declining areas and fostering vibrant communities, through the support of existing businesses and the establishment of start-up businesses and retail stores. Our mission is to boost local economies and create a more vibrant environment on the high street. Bringing back footfall and the buzz we all benefit from to the areas that need it the most. We provide businesses with the opportunity to have bespoke mentorship from experienced retail experts. We work to attract customers and visitors to town centres and create thriving start-up business hubs. TEGretail is creating a future where businesses are not only sustainable but have the increased opportunity to transition into a retail space on the high street. We believe, that by offering a platform for these businesses to showcase their products and services, we can foster entrepreneurship and economic development in declining areas. Our ultimate goal is to create vibrant communities that are sustainable, economically prosperous and socially thriving.

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