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Prestige County Events

Prestige County Events

Who we are

The team behind Prestige County Events have over 20 years’ experience in events, marketing, advertising and publishing. Working on some of the largest exhibitions and most exclusive events around the globe, including; The Olympics, The World Cup, The Superbowl, The Dallas Auto Show, The Outdoors Show, London Bike Show, Berlin Marathon, ATP World Tennis Tour, Polo in the Park and the Veuve Cliquot Polo Gold Cup to name a few. Our portfolio of clients has ranged from international brands such as: BMW, Microsoft, Oxfam and Adidas, to small independent high street businesses and sole trader start-ups. This expertise allows us to continually build great relationships with our clients and put on successful, well-run events that attract large visitor numbers and the right clientele for our partners. In 2022 we launched the Essex & Suffolk County Christmas Fair, a packed event with over 2000 people attending on the day and many stall holders selling out. For 2023 we have two new monthly markets running from April to September at Christchurch Park in Ipswich and Marks Tey Parish Hall in Colchester. Plus two HUGE, 3 day Christmas fairs, namely: "The Essex County Christmas Fair" at Layer Marney Tower, Colchester, and the "Suffolk County Christmas Fair" at Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich. Both events take place across the last two weekends of November, and shall be hosting over 100 stall holders each, with approx 7,000 to 10,000 attendees!

Future Events