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Blue Magpie

Blue Magpie

Who we are

Hello! I'm Anna and I own and run Elmslie House in Malvern, Worcestershire, where (amongst other things) we host bi-annual Blue Magpie Fairs. Unlike other venues, Elmslie is also my home - but it's pretty big! We started with just 12 makers in 2015 on one day, and have since grown to now hosting 75 makers over 2 days in March and over 4 days in November. Unlike other craft fairs, we swap makers over in varying number every day - so that with a wristband, the public can return each day to see different makers. This also gives makers an opportunity to try us out, or if they can't commit to doing all of the dates then it's possible to come just for part of it. Blue Magpie is a curated/selected fair - we have an application form which we publish on the website, via our IG and FB platforms but also we operate a maker mailing list from the website so that interested parties are notified when an application gets released. November's Fair is always on the 3rd weekend of the month We also run a 2 day fair aimed at capturing pre Mothering Sunday sales - but as this is a moveable feast, the dates for this fair change on a yearly basis - but where possible we aim for the weekend prior (to Mothering Sunday) . Oh - and where there is craft, there is cake - and we run a tea-room throughout each fair. Each stall holder (for the cost of their pitch) also receives a a piece of cake and a cup of tea/coffee every day too! We have recently had a 5 star hygiene rating for the venue.

Future Events