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Beba Bespoke

Beba Bespoke

Who we are

Becca Hopkinson, of Beba Bespoke: “I’m a designer and maker of handcrafted beautiful wooden boxes, decorative wooden homewares, quality wooden gift items and wooden jewellery. I mostly use a variety of ethically sourced solid hardwoods or recycle wood from old furniture. I also source other furniture makers waste off-cuts, as I find it hard to let even the smallest bit of beautiful wood go in a fire without at least attempting to dream up a use for it. I enjoy detail, colour and delightful surprise, taking the time to find a good combination of wood types to add a small detail that gives a box a uniqueness. I aim to create products that can be treasured for generations and hope that the care I put into my work shows for you to enjoy. This year I have invited other Sheffield makers, across a broad spectrum of practices, to join me in showing and selling their work at Sheffield Manor Lodge”.

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