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Meet the Maker; Glitter and Delight & Worry Knots

Meet the Maker

Meet three of our jewellery making stallholders…

This week we’ve got to know two fantastic stallholders who each make jewellery – Glitter and Delight & Worry Knots. We love jewellery; we often attach sentiment to jewellery but it’s great because it can be worn for so many different reasons and purposes. Whether you’re throwing on a colourful pair of earrings to brighten your mood or treasure a keepsake necklace that holds special memories from a loved one, it’s something we can all relate to.

We asked the makers behind Glitter and Delight & Worry Knots about their love of crafting, what motivates them in business, the exciting things they have planned for Christmas and much more. Read on to get to know them better…

Pedddle: Where did you first become interested in the skills it takes to produce your products and how did you learn them?

Glitter and Delight: I have always loved making things. I’ve sewn, tried papercrafts, candles you name it! Every year, my other half buys me something ‘crafty’ to try my hand at. For Christmas last year he bought me a resin kit, which had everything you needed to make several necklaces. Once I’d completed that I was hooked, so I did a bit of research and bought all the items I would need to make my own. It’s not a cheap hobby and there have
been a few mishaps, but when you get covered in glitter it makes it fun! When people like what you make, the feeling you get is great.

Pedddle: How did your business first start from your interest in craft?

Glitter and Delight: Glitter and Delight started as I had just made so many earrings! At first I didn’t feel confident in selling them, but I had some encouragement from a few Sheffield makers I know (Dani from Miroo Makes and Sophie from Imogen’s Imagination), as well as family and friends.

I set up my Etsy shop in February 2020 and haven’t looked back! It’s been so rewarding, it really does make me smile.

Worry Knots: I started Worry Knots at the end of 2018, when I’d had a bit of a bad year with my mental health and found myself drawn to creating to keep my mind off worrying – hence ‘Worry Knots’.

For years I’ve made and sold jewellery – but I’ve never felt passionate about what I’ve made…until now. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been spending lots of time on maintaining good mental health and enjoying doing the things I love. That’s making jewellery, being different and learning about my heritage (FYI, I’m a Stokie – born and bred).

I decided with Worry Knots, I wanted to try and combine the three things I love most. I’ve been working really hard since the middle of 2019 on perfecting the designs of Worry Knots ready for it’s launch in May 2020. I’ve made many prototypes, tried multiple designs and I’ve finally found a way of making earrings (my favourite jewellery) using multi-media techniques (my favourite ones) and using them as a way of representing my heritage and my love for all things quirky!

Since launching officially in May 2020, my little shop has had some wonderful feedback and lots of people are now adorned with Worry Knots goodies – which is so amazing to see! I’ve got LOADS of future collections in mind and I cannot wait to keep making and making and making.

DoodleRocks: My fingers are constantly itching to make things and my brain doesn’t switch off from coming up with new ideas. Even while reading a book, having a bath, gardening, walking the dog – it’s chuntering away throwing out ‘what ifs’, ‘maybe this’, ‘how about’ and ‘shall I try’.

Alongside the jewellery, I use Indian wood blocks to hand print scarves (and tea towels and lampshades and anything fabric that catches my eye!). I also run wood block printing workshops – they are great fun and anyone can do it!

But when I’m not doing that, I am really, first and foremost, a mum to two awesome teenage boys (ahem, I guess they are now young men!), who, on the whole, put up with my messy creative spirit. I am a companion to my delightful Sproodle – yep she rules the roost, and lastly but no means least, I am a friend, sister, daughter and lover of life!

Pedddle: What’s next for your business?

Glitter and Delight: I’m currently working on a Christmas range and a disco range. The more sparkle the better! The disco range is something I am loving, between working on the designs, the colours and working out how to promote them. I’m still relatively new to all this, so it’s a huge learning curve and so much fun.

My disco range encompasses plenty of sparkle, mixed with a variety of rich colours – think disco balls and velvet! It includes everything from studs to dangles to necklaces, ready for day to night wear or whenever you fancy wearing them!

Pedddle: What first made you consider selling your products at markets?

Glitter and Delight: I’ll tell you a little secret here – I haven’t actually done any markets yet! I am signed up to do a couple of online markets over the next few months and I am looking at ways to showcase my work.

There are so many makers who do amazing jobs with the online markets (and in person markets) and it’s so inspiring. I’m so excited about doing my first one! There’s nothing like the buzz and atmosphere of a market day, and that’s just from visiting them.

Pedddle: In your opinion, why is it so important to shop small?

Glitter and Delight: I’ve always loved supporting small businesses. I find that independents have so much more to offer and it’s completely personal. I enjoy meeting people, whether online or in real life, and I’m always astounded by people’s talents.

It’s the personal aspect that I really love – the handwritten note, the unique product, the ‘happy mail’ sticker on the package. These are the things that mean a lot and you don’t get that from big businesses. They can’t personalise in the same way, and you know that you’re supporting an actual person, not a huge faceless corporation.

Pedddle: Do you have a positive business mantra or motto that motivates you?

Glitter and Delight: Years ago, when I was leaving a job, a colleague of mine wrote in my leaving card ‘glitter girl, shine on’. It’s stayed with me ever since. I believe that everyone has their own sparkle on the inside and I love seeing it on the outside too. It really makes me smile.

Pedddle: What has changed for you and your business during the pandemic? Are you doing anything differently?

Glitter and Delight: This year has been crazy – well that’s one word for it! I only started Glitter and Delight this February, just before the pandemic fully hit. This is something I do in my spare time. Full time, I actually work as a nurse. I work as a ward sister in a critical care unit, so I have had to spend time rearranging things and taking time out from the business as my job comes first. It’s been hard going this year, not just for me but for everyone.

I hope Glitter and Delight makes people smile – a little bit of sparkle can go a long way! I keep my prices reasonable, there’s nothing over £20 so everything is affordable. With every sale I include a free pair of stud
earrings, I have money off offers on and I run the occasional competition or flash sale. For those who repeatedly buy things from me, I add an extra item in from time to time. I am also open to suggestions and requests for styles and colours, as it makes things truly individual – no two items are ever the same!

I’m a believer in treating people with kindness, and that ethos stays at the heart of my business. I think we all need a bit of that at the moment – kindness and patience.

If you want to know more about Glitter and Delight & Worry Knots, find their Pedddle pages here.