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Meet the Maker: Cheshire Bakehouse Q&A

Meet the Maker

Introducing Cheshire Bakehouse, who create an array of scrumptious delights which are somewhere between ‘a pie and a sausage roll’.

Cheshire Bakehouse, Pedddle - Warrington - The Makers Market

Cheshire Bakehouse are market regulars and firm favourites amongst market visitors, often selling out at markets they sell at!

Simon is the main baker behind these fabulous products, with assistance from the wonderful Susan. We recently held a Q&A session with him, to find out more about what Cheshire Bakehouse offers.

We’ve bumped into Simon at many a market over the years, and he’s always a friendly face to see! Cheshire Bakehouse offer veggie and vegan options too – they have created true innovation when it comes to the sausage roll and pies (they define their products as somewhere between the two!), never mind all the other delicious products they offer! They’re putting the Deli into ‘delicious’ at loads of different markets for sure.

Our Q&A with Cheshire Bakehouse

Q: Simon, tell us about your product, as it’s pretty special and often sells out at markets.

A: Thank you! ‘It’s not a pie or a sausage roll’ – this is what our banner says. With branding, your product identification should be very clear and easily understood, but this creates a conversation and a product that people are curious to taste.
The product we make is a savoury pastry roll. We offer various types: a vegan ‘Moroccan Vegetable’ one, ‘Pulled Pork with Caramelised Butternut Squash and Smoked Cheddar’, ‘Xmas Lunch’ and Xmas Vegetarian Lunch’, which has all the best things about Christmas all wrapped up, and many more.

Q: Sounds delicious! What sets your stall apart from others?

A: Depending if there is electric available at a market, we often sell them hot as well as cold, and sometimes with side accompaniments such as freshly made baked beans or Bubble & Squeak. We offer tasters as well, so you can ‘try before you buy’. This works well for us, because the product is sometimes confused with a sausage roll – but it’s much more than that!

Q: What is your best selling product, or does it vary? 

A: Our overall best seller is the Moroccan Lamb, but this can vary at present. We can’t keep up with the demand for the Pulled Pork, and in December our Xmas Lunch and Christmas-themed products sell really well.

Q: What’s your personal favourite flavour?

A: Hot Pulled Pork is amazing – we are very proud of this one! It’s a 12 hour process to make, but the product really is very good. Susan prefers the Ploughman’s!

Q: What do you focus on with your products at Christmas?

A: As mentioned, ‘Xmas Lunch’ and Xmas Vegetarian Lunch’ is really popular for us – it’s everything you have in a traditional Christmas lunch! The vegetarian version has caramelised cranberry with English Brie, potato, black olive and spinach. Both have been received really well – customers love the originality.

Q: You have recently taken a space with Street Dots. Tell us more…

A: We have done it twice now, on First Street Manchester. Street Dots are big in London with street food traders. You rent what they call a Dot (that is what they call the space) – it’s very good and only just started up in the north. I met one of their employees at Levenshulme market and she liked what we produced, and it went from there!

Thanks Simon for the info! It’s great to hear direct from the makers and find out more from their businesses. Click here to browse the Cheshire Bakehouse website.

Which markets do Cheshire Bakehouse sell at?

Click here to see the Cheshire Bakehouse Pedddle page, with a list of their upcoming markets.

We highly recommend visiting different markets in Cheshire, as there are so many great makers like Simon to be found!

Upcoming Markets in Cheshire

See all markets in Cheshire

We have plans to do many more of these Meet the Maker Q&As in the coming months, so if you enjoy finding out more from our makers then do keep watching!