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Makers Yards Christmas Shopping Weekend

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLeicester, LE1 1SB
With Christmas shopping in mind, artists and designer-makers open their studio doors and invite you in to browse and buy their wares and see their making spaces at this special Xmas Weekend.

The residents will be joined by guest art/craft makers and food vendors, so expect a fun, festive weekend inside and outside the studios.
10-4pm Saturday. 11-4pm Sunday.
The Makers Yard. PedddleThe Makers Yard event. PedddleThe Makers Yard stall. PedddleThe Makers Yard stallholder. PedddleThe Makers Yard christmas. PedddleThe Makers Yard Xmas event. PedddleThe Makers Yard stallholder 2. Pedddle


The Makers Yard, 84 Rutland St, Leicester
23rd & 24th November, 2019
Next Markets
No future dates
The Makers Yard
There is a lift on site so you can reach all floors
No on site parking but we are based in the city centre with lots of parking near by.
Markets in
Leicestershire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Contact The Makers Yard

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.