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The Market Co

Artisan Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventChesterfield, S40 1PJ

Chesterfield Artisan Market is a lovely, traditional outdoor artisan market in Derbyshire, organised by The Market Co. Taking place on the last Sunday of each month.

Chesterfield Artisan MarketChesterfield Artisan MarketChesterfield Artisan Market 2, PedddleChesterfield Artisan MarketChesterfield Artisan MarketChesterfield Artisan Market


Main Market Square, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
S40 1PJ
Last Sunday of the month
Next Markets
No future dates
The Market Co
Flat traditional market square.
Disabled parking adjacent.
All Outdoor Dog Friendly
Markets in
Derbyshire , The West Midlands , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Welcome to Chesterfield Artisan Market, where creativity comes to life amidst a backdrop of history and community spirit. Nestled in the heart of Chesterfield, this vibrant market showcases the finest craftsmanship, culinary delights, and artistic expressions, offering a unique experience that bridges the past and the present.

Our Offerings:

Explore a diverse array of handcrafted treasures, each narrating its own tale of skill and passion. From intricate jewellery that sparkles with individuality to meticulously designed ceramics that capture the essence of the region, every stall is a testament to the dedication of local artisans.

Indulge your taste buds with an assortment of delectable treats, ranging from freshly baked artisanal bread to small-batch cheeses that tantalise your palate. Whether you're a connoisseur of fine foods or simply seeking something delightful, the market has something to satiate every craving.

The Community Vibe:

At Chesterfield Artisan Market, it's not just about shopping; it's about forging connections. Immerse yourself in a welcoming atmosphere where friendly faces and lively conversations create a sense of belonging. The market isn't just a place to make purchases; it's a platform to meet the creators behind the crafts, hear their stories, and gain a deeper appreciation for the soul behind each creation.

Organised by The Market Co.
Chesterfield Artisan Market takes place on the last Sunday of each month throughout the year, consisting of over 80 of the very finest artisan market traders offering crafts, food, drink and more.

Contact The Market Co

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.