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Burnley Markets

Young Traders Market – Burnley Market

Saturday 29th March 2025Burnley, BB11 1BB

The Young Traders Market is a nationally recognised market encouraging young traders aged 16 - 30 years old and is a platform for them to showcase their talents and goods to a wide audience.

Young Traders Market - Burnley MarketYoung Traders Market - Burnley Market


Curzon Street, Burnley, UK
BB11 1BB
Saturday 29th March 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
Burnley Markets
Please visit for details on accessibility parking. Burnley Market hall has wheelchair access and a disabled toilet.
There are many car parks in and around the town centre, please visit for more information.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Lancashire , North West

The Young Traders Market is a nationally recognised market encouraging young traders aged 16 - 30 years old and is a platform for them to showcase their talents and goods to a wide audience

What is Young Traders Market?
National Market Traders Federation has been running The Young Traders Market competition in partnerships with local markets across the UK for many years.

The aim of our Young Traders Market events is to empower young entrepreneurs aged 16-30 by providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and goods to a wider audience.

Each event will have one winner who will progress to the regional final, taking place in London in the summer of 2025!

Contact Burnley Markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.