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Wonky Wheel Makers Market

Wonky Wheel Makers’ Market

Quarterly marketsBraintree, CM7 4NN

We host fine art and contemporary craft markets in Essex and Suffolk. We are passionate about creating a welcoming and inspiring environment for people to come together for the Wonky Wheel Makers' Market.

Stallholder/stall at the Wonky Wheel Makers MarketStallholder/stall at the Wonky Wheel Makers MarketStallholder/stall at the Wonky Wheel Makers MarketStallholder/stall at the Wonky Wheel Makers MarketStallholder/stall at the Wonky Wheel Makers MarketFinchingfield GuildhallWonky Wheel Makers MarketWonky Wheel Makers Market


Church Hill, Braintree, UK
Quarterly markets
11:00am - 5:00pm
Next Markets
, 1st Nov 2025
Wonky Wheel Makers Market
Trader Mailing List
This venue is wheelchair accessible.
Parking at each location is different so please see event details for parking.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Essex , Suffolk , East Anglia

Wonky Wheel Makers’ Markets: Championing Local Artistry in Essex, Suffolk and Cambridge.

Wonky Wheel Makers’ Market are proud to announce its quarterly Makers Markets, a celebration of local artists and makers. Our markets, held in various locations across Essex and Suffolk, are dedicated to showcasing truly handmade creations crafted by talented individuals from our community.

Wonky Wheel Makers’ Markets provide a unique platform for local artisans to display their exceptional work, ensuring that each piece is authentic handmade. Our mission is to support and champion local talent, offering visitors a diverse array of high-quality, handmade products.

Join us at the next Wonky Wheel Makers' Market event to discover the creativity and craftsmanship that define our region. By supporting Wonky Wheel Makers’ Markets, you are not only purchasing unique items but also contributing to the growth and sustainability of local artistry.

For more information, please contact:
Wonky Wheel Makers’ Market
Email: [email protected] \
Phone: 07539122982

Contact Wonky Wheel Makers Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.