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West Norwood Feast

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventWest Norwood, SE24 9HR

Markets in West Norwood, London.

West Norwood Feast, PedddleWest Norwood Feast, PedddleWest Norwood Feast, Pedddle


Chatsworth Way, West Norwood
SE24 9HR
Various dates & venues
Next Markets
No future dates
West Norwood Feast
Mixed venues so please contact the market directly.
Nearest tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), then take a number 196, 2 or 432 bus into West Norwood.
Markets in

The West Norwood Feast market is distributed around five sites;
Artisans’ Market (Chatsworth Way, SE24 9HR),
Food Fair (in the garden of St Luke’s church, Norwood High St, London SE27 0DT),
Retro Village (car park of Rosebery’s Auction Rooms, 74–76 Knight’s Hill, London SE27 0JD),
Family Hub (outside the West Norwood Health & Leisure Centre, Devane Way SE27 0DF)
Fresh & Green (along Norwood Road from the corner of York Hill, SE27 9AF).

Please note that My Pop Up Events also run markets in this area of West Norwood - find out more on their markets here:

Contact West Norwood Feast

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.