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LK Pop up Fayres

VENUE 28 Farmers Market / Artisan Craft & Gift Fayre

Monthly marketBeckenham, BR3 4LS

Enjoy free entry to this VENUE 28 event, a place to discover handmade treasures, support local businesses and enjoy a fun-filled day with friends & family!


28 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, UK
Monthly market
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
, 4th May 2025 , 1st Jun 2025 , 6th Jul 2025 , 3rd Aug 2025 , 7th Sep 2025 , 5th Oct 2025 , 2nd Nov 2025
LK Pop up Fayres
Both Indoor and Outdoor Free Entry
Markets in
Greater London , Kent , London , South East

VENUE 28 in Beckenham, Kent, offers the VENUE 28 Farmers Market / Artisan Craft & Gift Fayre on a monthly basis!

Our farmers market/artisan craft and gift fayre is an event that combines elements of a traditional farmers market with a focus on locally-made artisan crafts and unique gifts. It offers a platform for local artisans, craftsmen, and small businesses to showcase their handmade products and wares to the community.

Here's what you can expect to find at our farmers market/artisan craft and gift fayres:

- Local Produce: Just like a regular farmers market, you'll find fresh and locally produced food such as cheese, bread, juices etc.
- Handmade Crafts: Various artisans and crafters will be selling their handmade products, such as jewellery, pottery, woodwork, textiles, paintings, candles, glass, clothing and other artistic creations.
- Unique Gifts: The fayre will feature a wide selection of unique and one-of-a-kind gifts suitable for all occasions, including birthdays, holidays, and special events.
- Food Vendors: In addition to fresh produce, you can enjoy a variety of ready-to-eat foods, snacks, desserts, and beverages prepared by local food vendors.
- Family Activities: Some of our events offer activities for children and families, like face painting, arts and crafts stations.
- Community Engagement: Farmers market/artisan craft and gift fayres provide an opportunity for the community to come together, support local businesses, and foster a sense of camaraderie.
- Sustainable and Eco-friendly Focus: Many events emphasize eco-friendly practices, such as encouraging the use of reusable bags and reducing waste.
- Seasonal Themes: Depending on the time of the year, some of our fayres may incorporate seasonal themes and decorations, such as a holiday market during Christmas or a spring-themed fair.

Overall, our farmers market/artisan craft and gift fayres offers a unique shopping experience that celebrates local talent and promotes community engagement.

It's an excellent opportunity to discover handmade treasures, support local businesses, and enjoy a fun-filled day with friends and family.

Contact LK Pop up Fayres

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