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Trowbridge Weavers Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventTrowbridge, BA14 8EL

The Market brings traders, live music, circus acts, arts, street food and most importantly - people - to the centre of Trowbridge, to make the second Saturday of the month a festival atmosphere for people of all ages!

Floral heart drop earrings recycled silver asymetric Mijoux CreationsFloral heart drop earrings recycled silver asymetric Mijoux CreationsRound recycled silver stud earrings with paisley pattern Mijoux Creations


Fore Street, Trowbridge
BA14 8EL
Second Saturday of the month
Next Markets
No future dates
Both Indoor and Outdoor
Markets in
Wiltshire , South West

The Trowbridge Weavers Market brings traders, live music, circus acts, arts, street food and most importantly, people, to the centre of Trowbridge, to make the second Saturday of the month a festival atmosphere for people of all ages!

Trowbridge Weavers Market is one of the few volunteer-run markets in the country. It is not funded or run by local councils or a market business. It is instead run by a small group of local residents who want Trowbridge to be a vibrant and enjoyable place to visit and live in. Any excess funds each year are donated to local charities selected by the traders.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.