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Taste Cheshire

Taste Cheshire Food and Drink Festival

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventChester, CH1 2LY

Taste Cheshire Food and Drink Festival is the biggest event of its type to take place anywhere in the UK! A real foodie haven brimming with delicious food and drink. It’ll definitely make your mouth water! Free parking available.

Taste Cheshire Food & Drink Festival, Pedddle


Grey friars, Chester
8th - 10th April 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Taste Cheshire
The event is accessible to all.
Free parking available for all ticket holders, weather permitting.
Markets in
Cheshire , Chester , North West

Taste Cheshire Food and Drink Festival is back for Easter weekend 2023! Hosting over 125 exhibitors and highlighting the best food and drink products that the county, region and country has to offer! That means that for you, the visitor, it is simply a wonderful culinary experience.

Find delicious treats both to take home and enjoy during the festival. It’s a real haven for foodies or a great place to just enjoy a day out. With so many exhibitors and chefs taking part, there are so many varieties of food and drink that you’ll be spoilt for choice!

Chester Racecourse is the only racecourse set in the heart of a city, making it the perfect location for this fun filled family event in thriving Cheshire. Over 30,000 food and drink lovers usually visit this event, and it is the biggest event of its type to take place anywhere in the UK this Easter.

There’s something for everyone to enjoy, including FREE children's cooking classes to turn your little ones in to mini master chefs. Check out our upcoming announcements to see our quality local and celebrity chef line up, which will include John Torode and Simon Rimmer in 2023 - and there are more really exciting names to come, with chefs who are truly inspiring and demonstrate incredible knowledge, skills and creativity. You’ll definitely take lots of ideas away from your visit!

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 6pm
Monday: 10am - 5pm

This event has always been a huge success. There’s great fun to be had all weekend!

Contact Taste Cheshire

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