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The Shop Small Event

The Shop Small Event

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventIpswich, IP3 8UH

The Shop Small Event brings small businesses together to create a unique shopping experience.

The Shop Small EventThe Shop Small EventThe Shop Small Event


Trinity Park, Felixstowe Rd, Ipswich
Seasonal Dates in 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
The Shop Small Event
Trader Mailing List
The Shop Small Event is wheelchair and pushchair friendly. Baby changing facilities available, and we have a breast feeding area too. Disabled accessible venue.
Plenty of free car parking available.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor
Markets in
East Anglia , Suffolk

The Shop Small Event brings small businesses together to create a unique shopping experience in amidst the beauty of Suffolk.

We’re so excited to be back at our bright and brilliant venue for 2024 too, in Trinity Park! We look forward to seeing you at The Shop Small Event this year - and with two dates in July and November, there’s two chances to catch us!

The The Shop Small Event market includes over 65 gorgeous brands for you to shop from, with fabulous gift ideas too, from jewellery, candles and clothing to home decor, flowers, plants, food, drink and more… treat yourself, find great gifts or bring friends and family along for a lovely little day trip!

To make the event easier to navigate, we have continued with the time slot tickets to prevent overcrowding and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. Tickets are £2.50 per person (inclusive of the Eventbrite fees), with a proportion of sales going to the Cystic Fibrosis Charity Trust. Children under 16 get FREE entry (no ticket required).

There will be plenty of free car parking and buggy / disabled access available, to make the market fun for all. If you have any specific queries about this event, please contact us using the form below.

Contact The Shop Small Event

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.