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The Pop Up Emporium

The Pop Up Emporium at The Stade Hall, Hastings

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventHastings, TN34 3DW

Markets based in East Sussex, for makers and creative small businesses! Free entry, dogs welcome.

Olive and Stone JewelleryOlive and Stone JewellerySussex Art PrintsThe Bakeaway HastingsPure WixOlivia Gina EmbroideryThe SilveryTara Macdonald Botanical DyeLather and Yarn


20 Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings
TN34 3DW
Spring and Summer Pop Ups
Next Markets
No future dates
The Pop Up Emporium
The Stade Hall has step free access.
There are a few pay and display car parks nearby in the Old Town; Rock-a-Nore car park and Pelham Place car park.
Markets in
Greater London , Kent , South Coast , South East , West Sussex , London

The Pop Up Emporium at The Stade Hall, Hastings, is on monthly in 2023!

The Pop Up Emporium hosts pop-up markets in Hastings, East Sussex, supporting makers and creative small businesses.

Set in The Stade Hall, which is perfectly located on the seafront in Hastings Old Town, these markets are in the heart of a creative corner of the South East. Every month you can find a curated selection of talented creative small businesses offering beautiful handmade items, as well as delicious food and vintage clothing too.

The Pop Up Emporium at The Stade Hall markets are open from 11am - 4pm both days with free entry! Dogs are welcome too.

Contact The Pop Up Emporium

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.