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The Pop-up Club Marketplace Chelmsford

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventChelmsford, CM1 1HT

A pop-up shop in Chelmsford, Essex. Popping up on the first Sunday of each month, from May to December.

The Bearded Gypsy's Trade Fayre, PedddleThe Bearded Gypsy's Trade Fayre, Pedddle


Chelmsford, Essex
First Sunday monthly (May-Dec)
Next Markets
No future dates
The Pop-up Club
The market place is super accessible for anyone.
There is lots of parking close by. Even better it's on a Sunday, so parking is cheap or free!
Markets in
Essex , South East , East Anglia

The Pop-up Club brings artists, designers and emerging brands together through curated modern pop up marketplaces. We bring together the very best, the creme de la creme of traders, for your shopping pleasure!

Together with conscious consumers, you will discover and can support all things small, creative and handmade, and boost the creative community, rather than boosting a big brand’s ego.

The Pop-up Club offers a happy environment filled with great music, great products, and good times!

We have a monthly residence in Chelmsford, Essex's only city. The pop-up is situated on the city's High Street, which is the busiest, highest footfall location, providing a great opportunity for traders and customers alike.

Contact The Pop-up Club

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.