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The Incredible Makers Market

The Incredible Makers Christmas Market

A one off seasonal event.Kettering, NN16 8RG

A showcase for a brilliant range of independent makers. Festive shopping from a curated collection of talented artisans.

Stallholders for 2024 have been selected.

Incredible Makers Market, Kettering Arts Centre,


Lindsay Street, Kettering, UK
NN16 8RG
A one off seasonal event.
10:00am - 3:30pm
Next Markets
The Incredible Makers Market
Trader Mailing List
Ramped access from the rear church hall car park.
Nearby parking
Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Dog Friendly
Markets in
Northamptonshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

All stallholders pitch in to help organise and promote this small creative business run event. The Incredible Makers Christmas market offers the chance to buy direct from the talented people who have created affordable pottery, prints, textiles, stationery. children's clothing, eco gifts, soap and candles.

Refreshments and gorgeous food is on hand and sets the scene for the perfect boost your Festive shopping.

£2 entry for adults, tickets in advance and on the door.

Our stallholders at the next market

Contact The Incredible Makers Market

The organiser has restricted the contact form for this event to Pedddle members only.

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.