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The Hepworth Wakefield Festive Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventWakefield, WF1 5AW

Start your Christmas shopping and support independent makers at this popular festive market.

Robin in a bobble hat hand burned and painted tree decoration by Burnt CookiesRobin in a bobble hat hand burned and painted tree decoration by Burnt CookiesFern on pine chunk wooden candle holder by Burnt Cookies


The Hepworth Wakefield, Gallery Walk, Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Various dates in 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Markets in
West Yorkshire , Yorkshire

The Hepworth Wakefield Festive Market hosts over 60 stallholders each weekend, where you can shop for jewellery, candles, ceramics, gifts for children, homeware, prints, textiles, stationery and more.

There will be family activities, festive food and drink, and performances including Hepworth Brass Band and Grumpah, drop-in family workshops to make festive decorations and a range of pre-bookable adult workshops to learn to make candles, festive wreaths and garlands.

During the Festive Market weekends, visitors can purchase a £5 exhibition ticket to experience all that The Hepworth Wakefield has to offer.

Opening times:
Saturdays 12pm - 7pm
Sundays 10am - 5pm

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.