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The Handmade Fair, Ragley Hall

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventAlcester, B49 5NJ

The ultimate, creative day out!

The Handmade Fair, Pedddle - The Handmade Fair at Ragley Hall 2018The Handmade Fair, Pedddle - The Handmade Fair at Ragley Hall 2018Jade Leese at Ragley Hall, Pedddle


B49 5NJ
11th - 13th May 2018
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No future dates
Handmade Fair
Free Parking
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The Handmade Fair is the ultimate creative day out. Take part in hands-on workshops, learn from the experts, eat from delicious street food vendors, and buy tools, materials, and beautiful products from the handpicked sellers. Set at Ragley Hall, a stately home located south of Alcester in Warwickshire.

Find a selection of Pedddle affiliated traders at the Pedddle stand in Ragley Hall from the 11th-13th of May!

Contact Handmade Fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.