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The Discovery Den Christmas Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventTeddington, TW11 9NR

A Christmas fair with local businesses and live entertainment, held at The Anglers Pub in Teddington.


Teddington, London
TW11 9NR
6th - 8th December 2024
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No future dates
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The Discovery Den Christmas Fair is a Christmas fair with local businesses and live entertainment.

Enjoy a raffle, tombola, gingerbread decorating, artisan stalls and more.

Opening times:
Friday 6th December 5-9pm
Saturday 7th December 11am-4pm
Sunday 8th December 11am-4pm

Please contact the organisers directly for more information about this event.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.