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The Big Market at Riverside East

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, E20 2AD

The Big Market at Riverside East has over 40 stalls for you to enjoy, popping up throughout 2024!

Beady Mama Jewellery - Pedddle - Sterling Silver and Faux Pearl Burlesque inspired necklaceBeady Mama Jewellery - Pedddle - Sterling Silver and Faux Pearl Burlesque inspired necklaceBeady Mama Jewellery - Pedddle - Rose Quartz and Silver Love Necklace


Riverside East, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, 5 Thornton Street, London
E20 2AD
Various dates in 2024
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No future dates
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The Big Market at Riverside East lets you support small businesses and explore over 40 stalls, with everything from plants to ceramics and vintage wares, to bakery, candles, and everything in between.

Coffee, breakfast and lunch available from 9am to enhance your shopping experience.

Please contact The Big Market or Riverside East directly for further questions.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.