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The Assembly Market ONLINE

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this event,
The Assembly Market, is London's most stylish fashion and interiors market and we will be taking an innovative approach to continue to showcase our small independent businesses under lockdown. We are taking our market online to shoppers who are still keen to shop local, and working with our new digital reality.
Gelga Minaidis Ceramics, The Assembly MarketThe Assembly MarketThe Assembly MarketAllice Acreman SilksThe Assembly MarketThe Assembly MarketGelga Minaidis Ceramics, The Assembly MarketThe Assembly Market


2nd May, 2020
Next Markets
No future dates
The Assembly Market
Armchair friendly
No need to leave the house
Markets in


We'll be using the Instagram Stories’ 24 hour functionality to connect shoppers directly with stallholders and the best thing about it, we can hold a global event!

We will have over 20 designer/makers at each market displaying their work across Instagram, including limited edition prints by Hackney printmaker HeraldBlack, distinctive jewellery by Brass & Bold and slow fashion by h.huna and many others .


Makers’ listings will be posted from 11am GMT on The Assembly Market Instagram. Visitors to the market will be able to browse all the makers in one place and then shop directly from the designers and artists themselves. Socially distancing doesn’t mean being antisocial as live Q&As with stallholders on their individual Instagram feeds will take place on the day at 3.00pm, bringing the unique curation and conversation that The Assembly Market imbues into the virtual space.

Certain brands will be offering exclusive deals available only on these market days including discounts for the first 10 customers of each brand, sample pieces at special prices and new stock.

Contact The Assembly Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.