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Thame Town Hall – Artists and Makers Fairs

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventThame, OX9 3DP

Come to Thame Town Hall and meet local artists and makers who create and sell their own work. There’s plenty to discover, from pen making to printmaking, fibre craft to ceramics and homewares to jewellery.

dannywilkinsone at Sally Evans Fairdannywilkinsone at Sally Evans FairOcean Waves Clock at Sally Evans FairThame Town Hall - Artists and Makers Fairs


High Street, Thame, UK
Various dates in 2023
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Sally Evans Events
Seating is available at this indoor venue. For further accessibility details, please use the contact form below.
All Indoor Seating Available
Markets in
Buckinghamshire , oxfordshire , London

Thame Town Hall - Artists and Makers Fairs - showcase an array of talented artists and stallholders and their work, with stallholders gathered from around Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

There’s plenty to discover, from pen making to printmaking, fibre craft to ceramics and homewares to jewellery.

Contact Sally Evans Events

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.