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Surrey Hills Wood Fair

13th & 14th September 2025Cranleigh, GU6 7DW

Surrey Hills Wood Fair is for fair-goers of all ages, with traditional country crafts, live music, art demonstrations, local food vendors and outdoor woodland activities. Please contact the organisers for more information about the event.

Handmade soap with beeswax by Mama's BeeswaxHandmade soap with beeswax by Mama's BeeswaxHandmade soap and paw balm with beeswax for your dog by Mama's Beeswax


Bookhurst Road, Cranleigh, Surrey
13th & 14th September 2025
10:00am - 6:00pm
Next Markets
, 14th Sep 2025
Markets in
Surrey , Surrey , South East , London

Surrey Hills Wood Fair is a weekend celebrating and bringing together Surrey’s best food, drink, art and craft.

Attracting fair-goers of all ages, enjoy a wide range of activities such as traditional country crafts, live music, art demonstrations, local food vendors and outdoor woodland activities.

Saturday opening times: 10 – 6pm
Sunday opening times: 10 – 4pm

Please contact the organisers for more information about the event.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.