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Surrey Hills Christmas Artisan Market in Dorking

Sunday 1st December 2024Surrey, RH4

The Surrey Hills Christmas Artisan Market in Dorking is a chance to immerse yourself in the Christmas Spirit!

Handmade soap and paw balm with beeswax for your dog by Mama's BeeswaxHandmade soap and paw balm with beeswax for your dog by Mama's Beeswaxtraditional beeswax furniture polish hand made by mamas beeswax


Dorking High Street, Surrey
Sunday 1st December 2024
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
Free Entry
Markets in
Surrey , South East

The Surrey Hills Christmas Artisan Market in Dorking is a chance to immerse yourself in the Christmas Spirit!

Embrace the magic of the season with a delightful array of Surrey Hills’ finest artisans, local food, handcrafted drinks, and captivating crafts.

Stroll along the festively adorned High Street, explore charming stalls, and discovering unique gifts. Enjoy the cheerful ambiance, festive music, and delectable treats that make this market a heartwarming holiday tradition.

For further details of this market, please contact the organiser directly.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.