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Support The Makers Market at Porty Wash House

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventEdinburgh, EH15 1AP

Showcasing a gorgeous selection of handmade products from local makers including art, accessories, jewellery, homeware, houseplants and home baking.

Simpson + C - Jazzy Leggings in Rainbow Duckies. Duck Leggings. Baby and Children's.Simpson + C - Jazzy Leggings in Rainbow Duckies. Duck Leggings. Baby and Children's.


Adelphi Grove, Edinburgh, UK
EH15 1AP
1st April & 3rd June 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Leith Makers
Fully accessible.
Local on-street parking available.
Markets in
Edinburgh , Scotland

The Support The Makers Market at Porty Wash House showcases a gorgeous selection of handmade products created by local maker, with everything from art, accessories and jewellery to homeware, houseplants, home baking and much more.

Contact Leith Makers

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.