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Sunflower Christmas Craft & Gift Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBirmingham, B36 9PB

Over 25 handcrafted, unique stalls not found on the High Street. Free entry and free parking.

Sunflower Craft Fair


Water Orton road, Birmingham, UK
B36 9PB
Saturday 17th December 2022
Next Markets
No future dates
Sunflower Craft Psychic fair
Easy access to venue, with no steps.
Free parking around the back of the venue, with extended parking.
Markets in
The West Midlands , The Midlands

Sunflower Christmas Craft & Gift Fair is a Christmas version of the Sunflower Craft Fair!

A friendly event that is growing daily - become part of the Sunflower family and watch it grow!

Find Caribbean food, Samosas and an Oracle card reader, as well as a variety of stalls.

Hands on support for all stallholders.

Become a Sunflower follower and join all of our events - we are always offering something different.

Contact Sunflower Craft Psychic fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.