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Makers Market Midlands

Makers Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventStourbridge, DY8 1AG

Come and see our fantastic, talented makers at Makers Market Midlands! With a huge array of crafts on show, you are bound to find the perfect gift for someone special or a treat for yourself.

Hockley Makers Market - Midlands Makers Market - PedddleHandmade Soap StallHandmade candles stallStourbridge Makers Market - PedddleStourbridge Makers MarketStourbridge Makers MarketStourbridge Makers Market


Market Street, Stourbridge, UK
Twice a year
Next Markets
No future dates
Makers Market Midlands
Disabled parking across Market Street, disabled access, toilets.
Rye Market Car Park is a multi-storey car park. There is free parking on the High Street for 1 hour. Tesco car park also offers 2 free hours of parking.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Both Indoor and Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Birmingham , Coventry , The West Midlands , West Midlands , The Midlands

Stourbridge Makers Market Is run by Makers Market Midlands, offering a huge range of stallholders to shop from.

Makers Market Midlands was created by CraftyBun Studio (Holly) and Willis Designs (Rick), back in 2018. We met at FarGo Makers Market in Coventry, and found that we had a common passion for the potential of building a community of talented makers and artists in the Midlands. All too often, we attended markets that aren't quality controlled and sell items that aren't 100% handmade - we wanted to change this, and showcase the great makers that the Midlands has to offer!

Makers Market Midlands is all about celebrating the skills, passion and talents of local, independent makers from across the Midlands, UK. There are so many truly fantastic artisan stallholders here, they deserve to be celebrated - and Stourbridge Makers Market is the perfect place.

We also run a free online makers directory to help people find local artists and promote all of the great local talent in the area. Customers can buy something really special, and it’s even more special when it’s from a maker within their own local community! Our makers directory of Midlands-based Makers is ever-developing and we now have over 150 makers who have joined us. Head to our website to find out more - link below.

Contact Makers Market Midlands

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.