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Stone Food and Drink Festival

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventOulton, ST15 8UJ

Staffordshire's biggest gastronomic gathering takes place annually, but this year with a twist - it's at Kibblestone Scout Camp!

Stone Food Festival, PedddleStone Food Festival, PedddleStone Food Festival, Pedddle


Kibblestone Rd, Stone, Oulton, Staffordshire
ST15 8UJ
5th, 6th & 7th July 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Stone Food and Drink Festival
We welcome disabled visitors to the festival and make every effort to accommodate their needs, with the majority of the site being accessible by wheelchair. Please do be aware that the large number of visitors can make navigating the main marquees during peak times difficult for less mobile visitors. Disabled toilet facilities are provided.
Park & Ride nearby costing around £2, under 16's ride free. Sat Nav reference to Aston Marina Park & Ride: ST15 8QU.
Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly
Markets in
Staffordshire , The West Midlands , The Midlands

Stone Food and Drink Festival is an annual gastronomic gathering, offering huge shopping marquees with over 100 stalls.

A celebration of all things food & drink! Discover the finest artisan produce, learn new skills with live cookery demos, talks, tastings & masterclasses, enjoy street food, family fun, live music, licensed bars and much more…

You can also find stallholders offering fresh produce, subscription boxes, and even stallholders outside of the usual food and drink offering, selling crafts and suchlike.

Ideal fun for all the family!

Contact Stone Food and Drink Festival

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.