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St Ives
Artisan Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventSaint Ives, TR26 2DS

Over 20 fantastic traders showcase their fantastic products, from jewellery to hand painted mirrors. Traders rotate either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Sometimes we have guest traders from outside the area who are on holiday in Cornwall.


Street-An-Pol, Saint Ives, UK
TR26 2DS
Weekly markets
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No future dates
Artisan Markets Cornwall
All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Cornwall , South West

Over twenty traders showcasing their fantastic products at St Ives Artisan Market each week, explaining their processes and the creative inspiration behind their pieces.

Traders rotate, so there’s always something new to see!

The market runs from 10am til 4pm every Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the year, from April to October.

Free entry for all, and dogs on leads are welcome.

Contact Artisan Markets Cornwall

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.