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FarGo Spring
Makers Market

5th & 6th April 2025Coventry, CV1 5ED

This April, our Spring Makers Market is BACK!

Spring Makers Market at Fargo Village


FarGo Village, Far Gosford St, Coventry
5th & 6th April 2025
11:00am - 5:00pm
Next Markets
, 6th Apr 2025
FarGo Village Events
FarGo Village is an entirely accessible venue. The Market Hall is all one level, and there is access to accessible toilets. All shops in the Village are, or can become accessible - please ask shop owners for use of the portable ramp if required. There are baby changing facilities available in the accessible toilets.
FarGo Village has it's own designated parking on Paynes Lane. This is accessible off Sky Blue Way- for directions, search the carpark post code CV1 5LN. This is a free carpark with 100 spaces. There is also ample parking in the surrounding area, within a 10 minute walk of FarGo. For more details, please visit the FarGo Village website,
Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Coventry , The West Midlands , West Midlands , The Midlands

A blooming celebration of independence & homemade goodies!

Step into Spring and discover a vibrant showcase of hidden gems from fiercely independent small businesses. Our stalls are bursting with unique creations you simply can’t miss! Whether you’re searching for the perfect Easter treat, a special birthday gift, or a little something for yourself, we’ve got you covered.

From lush plants and handmade jewellery to stunning prints, ceramics, and delightful surprises, there’s something for everyone. We’re also seeking talented traders and family-friendly workshop hosts to join this beautiful lineup in our lively, colourful village.

Apply today and get yourself signed up to Eventaly ! – a new platform we’ll be using for registering traders. Here is an easy & quick guide for traders to sign up:

Bring your creativity and join the Indie spirit—we’d love to have you!

Saturday: 11:00AM – 5:00PM / Sunday: 11:00AM – 4:00PM

Contact FarGo Village Events

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.