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SPOT Design Market – Winter 2022

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventGlasgow, G43 1NE

Free entry, with donations to SPOT encouraged at the door.

Graphis Books NotebooksGraphis Books Notebooks


Pollokshaws Burgh Hall, 2025 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, Scotland
G43 1NE
26th & 27th November 2022
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No future dates
Wheelchair accessible.
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SPOT Design Market - Winter 2022 is a designer-maker market in Glasgow.

You can find a host of great designer-makers, as well as a Pop-up Restaurant (booking in advance only), courtyard food in the tent, and coffee and cake available on both days.

Dog friendly market.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.