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Southbank Summer Markets by Solo Craft Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, SE1 7PG

The "between the Bridges' events - Southbank Summer Markets are a series of summer markets run by SoLo Craft Fair in London.

SoLo Craft Fair at Dulwich, PedddleSoLo Craft Fair at Dulwich, Pedddle


Jubilee Gardens, Waterloo, London
Various dates in 2023
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No future dates
Free Entry
Markets in

The Southbank Summer Markets are a series of summer markets run by SoLo Craft Fair in London’s Waterloo.

SoLo Craft Fair is delighted to return to Between the Bridges for a summer of monthly markets. On the first Sunday of each month this summer, SoLo Craft Fair will be showcasing over 60 of London best makers and designers. They will be selling everything from fashion to art, jewellery to plants and more!

Between the Bridges is London's biggest beer garden, so once you've finished shopping, grab some lunch from some of the amazing food stalls and a drink from the bar.

The market is taking place under cover - so we'll be there whatever the weather.

You can find the Between the Bridges site between Jubilee Gardens and Hungerford Bridge (SE1 7PG), just a stone's throw from the London Eye. Entry to Between the Bridges is free, but please note food and drink are not permitted onsite. There will be a quick bag search upon entry. The market will be based under the pier structure towards the back of the site.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.