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SoLo Craft Fair – Dulwich Spring Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, SE21 7BT

Enjoy free entry to this lovely Spring Market in Dulwich, London.

Makeadaze stallMakeadaze stallAfrican wax contemporary kente detail wavy silver hair grip | hair slide | hair accessories


St. Barnabas Parish Hall, 21 Dulwich Village, London
SE21 7BT
Saturday 15th April 2023
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SoLo Craft Fair
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SoLo Craft Fair is hosting a brilliant Spring Market in Dulwich, with over 60 stallholders offering art, homeware, fashion, beauty items and more.

There will be a tea room running throughout the day too, offering a tasty range of hot beverages and snacks.

Dogs are welcome, but must be kept on a short lead.

Contact SoLo Craft Fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.