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Cottage Industry events Ltd

Royal Three Counties Show – Cottage Industry Event Marquee

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventWorcestershire, WR13 6NW

The Three Counties Agricultural Society’s flagship agricultural show is the Royal Three Counties Show of which HRH the Princess Royal is Patron. Taking place over 3 days and hosting over 90,000 visitors.


Three Counties Showground Malvern, Worcestershire
WR13 6NW
14th -16th June
Next Markets
No future dates
Cottage Industry events Ltd
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Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available
Markets in
Worcestershire , The West Midlands , The Midlands

The show has become the largest livestock and equine show in England and hosts 50 Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers. The Show attracts a broad range of society with 30% of visitors involved within the farming industry/community meanwhile the 74% ABC1 and 59% AB are provided with a full programme of family entertainment.

Our marquee is in a prime position, on the corner of Avenue D, Row 5, between North and South gates a very busy marquee.

Contact Cottage Industry events Ltd

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