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Richmond Craft Fair (part of the Richmond May Fair), London

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventRichmond, TW9 1LX

Discover arts, crafts and design by local makers, alongside treasures sourced from all over the world. Stallholders are carefully selected for their focus on handmade or unique items that are hard to find on the High Street. Free entry.

Richmond Craft Fair - PedddleRichmond Craft Fair - PedddleRichmond Craft Fair - PedddleA red and white striped helter skelter at a fair.A smiling lady in a red apron hands a sandwich to a customerPeople browse a fudge and sweet stall at an indoor market.A vintage carousel on grass with families milling around.People relaxing on grass in the sunshine.Fairground rides on a green on a sunny day.


The Green, Richmond, UK
Saturday 11th May 2024
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Greater London , London , Surrey , South East

On Saturday 11th May 2024, a carefully curated group of artists, designers and crafters will gather on Richmond Green to showcase their work to visitors.

Richmond Craft Fair is a celebration of the talented designer-makers that live and work on our doorstep in Richmond, London. When selecting traders to take part, we prioritise those selling original, handmade or unique items that you are unlikely to find on the High Street.

​If you like to shop independently and ethically, and love unearthing unusual treasures, Richmond Craft Fair is for you!

Entry is free - we look forward to seeing you there.

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