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Duck Pond Market

Pitzhanger Manor Market

30th March & 29th June 2025London, W5 5EQ

Pitzhanger Manor Market takes place in Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery - a brand new market for Duck Pond!

Pitzhanger Manor MarketPitzhanger Manor Market


Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, Ealing Green, London
W5 5EQ
30th March & 29th June 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
, 29th Jun 2025
Duck Pond Market
This venue is fully accessible. Browse details here:
BY BICYCLE - Cycle parking is available around Pitzhanger, with the nearest indoor cycle parking located at Ealing Broadway. BY TUBE - EALING BROADWAY accessible via the Central, District, and Elizabeth lines, and National Rail. It is a 7-minute walk to Pitzhanger: turn left out of the station and follow the signs to Ealing Green and Walpole Park. SOUTH EALING - take the Piccadilly line and it’s a 15-minute walk or 5-minute bus ride (65) to Pitzhanger. CARS - Pitzhanger does not have any onsite parking, and we recommend travelling by public transport wherever possible. There is a large car park at Ealing Broadway shopping centre, about 5 minutes’ walk from Pitzhanger. Please note this is a charged car park. There is also some very limited street parking around Pitzhanger.
Wheelchair Accessible Dog Friendly
Markets in
Greater London , London

Pitzhanger Manor Market takes place in Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery - a brand new market for Duck Pond!

Just beyond the cute shopping street of Ealing Broadway High Street you’ll find this beautiful Manor House, cultural hub, gallery, cafe and Walpole Park. If you’ve not been you’ll love the artsy feel of the house and the charming gardens.

Pop into the market, browse the indoor gallery and spend some time in the gorgeous grounds. If you haven’t been you won’t be disappointed!

We’ve fallen in love with our latest venue! We also love the charity shopping in Ealing, so with cool finds in the second hand shops, our Duckies, and the lovely venue, it’s a perfect place to spend an afternoon’s ethical shopping.

Various dates in 2025 with more to be confirmed.

Dogs welcome on a lead.

Contact Duck Pond Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.