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Peddler Market Leeds

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLeeds, LS12 2DR

Peddler Market Leeds Offers great food, drink, music, entertainment and market stalls!

A Pedddle board being held up in front of a Fae Candle Co. stall. successful Pedddle stallholders.A Pedddle board being held up in front of a Fae Candle Co. stall. successful Pedddle stallholders.A reed diffuser (without reeds) in the scent Jadis' Castle, sat on top of a book. By Fae Candle Co


Project House, Armley Road, Leeds
LS12 2DR
12th & 13th April 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Markets in
Leeds , Yorkshire

Peddler Market Leeds Offers great food, drink, music, entertainment and market stalls!

Open on Friday 12th April from 5-11pm, and Saturday 13th April from 2-11pm.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.