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Paper Daisy Events

Paper Daisy Christmas Fair at British Engineerium

23rd & 24th November 2024Hove, BN3 7QA

Paper Daisy Christmas Fair at British Engineerium is a winter weekender featuring 85 makers each day, at the newly refurbished venue, The British Engineerium.

British Engineerium Makers Fair Paper Daisy EventsBritish Engineerium Makers Fair Paper Daisy Events


The Droveway, Hove, UK
23rd & 24th November 2024
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
, 24th Nov 2024
Paper Daisy Events
Markets in
East Sussex

Paper Daisy Christmas Fair at British Engineerium is a wonderful event for a wintry weekend!

This winter weekender will feature 85 makers on each day, over Saturday 23rd November and Sunday 24th November 2024.

The British Engineerium is a historic venue, but a piece of Brighton & Hove’s history is about to come alive again, after this venue was closed to the public way back in 2006!

We are delighted to be holding a grand Winter/Christmas Makers Fair in the large and impressive coal storage shed of The British Engineerium in Hove, and this is just the first in our Winter/Christmas season of events.

Discover unique wares and shop local with Paper Daisy this Christmas at our newest event - Paper Daisy Christmas Fair at British Engineerium. There’s plenty more to come from us!

Our stallholders at the next market

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