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Norwich Craft & Flea

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventNorwich, NR3 1JD

£2.50-3 entrance, under 12s go free.

Abnoba, Silver Fern Necklace, Handmade, UK Silver Nature Jewellery, Bracken, Botanical Jewellery, Botanical NecklaceAbnoba, Silver Fern Necklace, Handmade, UK Silver Nature Jewellery, Bracken, Botanical Jewellery, Botanical NecklaceWire typography tree decorations by Wired Mama


Epic Studios, 112-114 Magdalen St, Norwich
Sunday 9th June 2024
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No future dates
All Indoor
Markets in
Norfolk , East Anglia

Norwich Craft & Flea takes place at The Halls in Norwich, showcasing brilliant stallholders from across Norfolk and beyond.

£2.50-3 entrance, under 12s go free.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.